
Compassion United Food Pantry

Our food pantry serves 3000-4500 people every month. On this day we will be open to the community to hand out groceries. 1 in 7 people in Texas face hunger. In Texas there are 4,057,910 people facing hunger and of them 1,348,600 are children. This distribution is important to ensure that those in need have ... Read more

Event Series Tea & Titus 2

Tea & Titus 2

Koinonia Church 11510 FM 1488, Magnolia, TX, United States

Dear Ladies, We invite you to a time of prayer, bible study and fellowship. We normally meet on the second Wednesday of the month at 7pm, but feel free to join us at 6:30pm for fellowship! You may bring a snack, but you don't have to. We just want you to come! Please note, the ... Read more

Ladies BUNCO

Contact Terri Brenon to attend