Koinonia Families bring Breakfast and Ministry to Conroe’s Homeless

Over two dozen church members brought breakfast and bibles for Conroe’s homeless for Breakfast in the Park. Hungry folks were greeted with 20 dozen breakfast burritos, a 100 packages of cinnamon rolls, fresh fruit and cheery smiles! Donations by church members, helped us buy gallons of milk, juice and hot coffee. We fed about 40-50 people over the course of the morning! Many visitors went home with groceries bags of extra food as well.

Breakfast and Gospel Ministry

As the crowd arrived, family members of all ages handed out food and served coffee with the help of CHOP staff. Then, we sang songs and worshiped along with the visitors. David Carlson played the guitar and led us in worship. The worship time seemed to really minister to people’s hearts! After the worship, Pastor Mark Brenon shared a powerful gospel message about God’s fatherly heart of forgiveness and restoration. During the devotional, several loud Amens assured us that Mark’s message resonated with many of the folks.

Thank You Koinonia Families!

After breakfast and the short ministry service, we bagged up extra food for the visitors to take home. We also left the remainder for the CHOP volunteers and leaders to serve at the Saturday evening meal. Thank you Koinonia families for your generosity and loving service!

Breakfast in the Park ~ A Chance to Experience Ministry to the Homeless

We are so blessed to participate in Compassion United’s Breakfast in the Park ministry!

“What started out with a family and a cooler full of breakfast taco’s has become an event that unites people from churches all over Montgomery County and serves a meal fit for a king to many poor and homeless in Conroe.  This outreach has made it easy for those who have never served the homeless to come on out and get their feet wet.“

Breakfast in the Park – Compassion United

Conroe House of Prayer

Due to rain, Compassion United directors moved our location from McDade park to the Conroe House of Prayer in downtown Conroe. Actually, Koinonia Church has partnered with Compassion United to provide breakfast a couple of times now.

Koinonia Reformed Baptist Church, Magnolia, Tx
Pastor Dan and Church families at the January Breakfast in the Park

January’s Brave Breakfast Crew!

In January, in spite of record cold, our brave crew of church families provided this same breakfast to a much larger crowd of homeless in the park!  In addition, we also handed out plenty of coats to a very grateful group of people in need.

Our desire, as a church body, is to be the Lord’s hands and feet to anyone in need. In fact, we plan to do this again next year, when opportunities open up!

You can learn more about the many ministry efforts of Compassion United at their website, CompassionUnited.us